Indian star shuttler PV Sindhu has pulled out of the Thomas and Uber Cup tournament, which starts in Denmark next month. Indu's father PV Ramana revealed this to the media on Wednesday. He said that Sindhu was staying away from the tournament due to personal reasons. The Thomas and Uber Cup is scheduled to take place next month in Aarhus, Denmark from 3 to 11.
"PV Sindhu will not be participating in the 2020 Thomas and Uber Cup due to personal reasons," said PV Ramana. Meanwhile, a senior BAI official said that he had also informed the Indian star shuttler Indus Badminton Association of India (BAI) that he had decided to withdraw from the Thomas & Uber Cup tournament in Denmark.
Indus' father Peevi Ramana said that Peevy Indus would also send entries for the next two tournaments, but it would be up to them to decide whether to play in those tournaments or not. However, he clarified that Sindhu will be participating in the Badminton World Federation Super 750 Tour events to be held in Odense, Denmark.
With the opening of the national camp for eight Olympians on August 7 at the Pullela Gopichand Badminton Academy in Hyderabad, world champion shuttler PV Sindhu has started training. Has been practicing Indus day ever since. Indus proudly kissed the gold medal at last year's prestigious World Badminton Championships.
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