Ex Team India captain Sunil Gavaskar is embroiled in controversy. Indian captain Virat Kohli's wife is having trouble making comments on Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma. Gavaskar, who was the commentator during the Bangalore-Punjab match in the UAE T20 tournament on Thursday, made embarrassing remarks about himself and demanded an explanation from Anushka on his Instagram platform.
"Mr. Gavaskar, your comments are very embarrassing. Want to hear your explanation on that. Why did a cricketer make such remarks about his wife? Why did her husband mention his wife in the game? You have been paying homage to the personal lives of cricketers for the past few years. Don’t you want them to be on us as well? You have a lot to say about my husband's performance in yesterday's match. But do you find it timely to mention me? It's 2020, although most things have not changed yet. When will you stop dragging me into cricket? When do you stop making comments? Respected Gavaskar .. You are a great legend in the game of Gentlemen. I want to let you know how emotional I was when I heard your comments, ”said Anushka Sharma.
Bangalore suffered a crushing defeat in the match against Punjab. Defeated by 97 runs. Bangalore skipper Kohli dropped two key catches in the fight. The team paid a heavy price for it. Also in the innings Kohli did not perform below his level. Faced five balls and scored just one run. However, commentator Gavaskar Anushka Sharma commented on Kohli's performance in the match. Anushka took to Instagram to express her anger over Gavaskar. Vyrushka fans have been raving about Gavaskar's comments on social media. The BCCI is demanding his removal as commentator. Gavaskar, on the other hand, did not make such remarks, referring to what happened in Lockdown.
Sunil Gavaskar responded to the controversy. He explained to a national media that he did not make embarrassing remarks on Anushka Sharma. "No embarrassing remarks were made against Anushka Sharma. I spoke to fellow commentator Akash Chopra that every cricketer finds very little time to practice. The lack of practice had a profound effect on the players in the first match. In the first match, Rohit and Dhoni did not bat well. Virat also did not perform well. I mean he doesn't practice properly. He said that he practiced only Anushka bowling at his residence. I talked about a video of the two of them playing with a tennis ball. The word bowling is used. No other words were used. Nonetheless no embarrassing remarks were made on Anushka. What if my comments take on a different meaning? Where did I mention Anushka in Virat's failures? '' Said Gavaskar.
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