The ongoing probe into the death of Sushant Singh Rajput is turning a corner. The Bureau of Narcotics Control (NCB) stepped in to investigate the drugs dimension. It is known that the names of many Bollywood actors have come out in this context. Meanwhile, it is learned that NCB will also issue summons to popular Bollywood heroine Deepika Padukone in a drug use case. It is learned that summons will also be issued to Shraddhakpur and Sarah Ali Khan.
In this context, Kangana Ranaut, "Repeat After Me" is the result of the use of sedative drugs. Wealthy Star Kids of High Society .. describe themselves as sober people, raised in good upbringing. However, they tweeted to their manager, "Mal hai kya." It is known that Deepika has shared many posts on social media about depression in the past. With this, it seems that the Kangana Ranaut post is aimed at Shraddhakpur and Sara Alikhan, including Deepika.
The NCB is working hard to find out how and where illicit drugs are coming from in the actual film industry. It is looking into the entry into the country's financial capital from Pakistan, Punjab, and other places. Among the English letters D and K mentioned in the drugs case, D means Deepika Padukone and K means her manager Karishma. It is learned that they will be questioned today.
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