HEALTH | 4 foods are dangerous for asthma persons | 2022


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 Asthma is a respiratory complaint in which the case has difficulty in breathing. This happens when there's a blockage in the windpipe. This blockage is caused by numbness or disinclinations, which makes it veritably delicate to breathe. If you're a case of asthma also you need to pay special attention to your diet. Don't eat anything that causes difficulty in breathing or worsens the symptoms of asthma. Let us know which food can be dangerous for asthma cases. 

Milk products 


 Asthma cases shouldn't consume dairy products like milk and rubbish. These foods beget asthma exacerbations because they lead to the accumulation of mucus in the lungs, making it delicate to breathe. Asthma cases are advised to eat Greek yogurt. 



 Egg is dangerous for asthma cases. This creates blockage in the airways, due to which there's difficulty in breathing. piecemeal from this, the symptoms of asthma also increase by eating eggs and mucus also starts accumulating in the lungs.


 Don't eat fried food 


 Asthma cases should stay down from fried food as much as possible. piecemeal from this, asthma cases shouldn't eat too important swab. This aggravates the symptoms of asthma and also leads to difficulty in breathing. So avoid eating similar foods. 


 Don't eat processed foods 

 Problems like asthma and briefness of breath can worsen due to reused food. Fast food, deep- fried foods, packet foods and firmed foods increase the symptoms of asthma. Especially it's veritably dangerous for children. They contain artificial calories which damage the lungs. 

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