The drug affair is currently gripping the film industry. It is learned that NCB officials have recently issued summons to Bollywood celebrities Deepika Padukone, Rakul Preet Singh, Shraddhakpur, and Sara Alikhan for allegedly using drugs. Actress Rakul Preet Singh is scheduled to appear before the NCB on Thursday for questioning. However, she issued a statement to Legal Team O stating that she had not received any summons from the NCB and therefore Rakul would not be appearing in court today. Shortly after the announcement was made ... the news was circulating in the national media that the actress had announced that she had been summoned and was attending the trial on Friday.
Meanwhile, NCB official KPS Malhotra recently said about Rakul, "We have issued summons to her. We also tried to contact her on the phone and other platforms. But she was not available to us. So far we have not received any response from her regarding the summons. ' NCB officials, meanwhile, are investigating designer Simon Khambatta today.
Sushant Singh Rajput's suspicious death has been under investigation by the police for the past few days in terms of drugs. The actor's girlfriend Riya Chakraborty was arrested by NCB, CBI, and ED officials after a lengthy interrogation a few days back. She was remanded in judicial custody until October 6. Following this, NCB officials issued summons to Deepika Padukone, Rakul Preet Singh, Sara Alikhan, and Shraddhakapur following the revelation of WhatsApp messages by Sushant Talent Manager Jayasaha.
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