Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput's suspicious death case: Many new things are coming out. Though it was initially thought that Sushant had committed suicide due to mental depression, the case is currently being investigated by CBI teams along with the NCB. With this, new things related to Sushant's life come to light. Recently, the CBI questioned Sushant's friend Siddharth Pitani. As part of the investigation, Siddharth revealed information about what happened a few days before Sushant's death.
It is learned that a few days before Sushant's death, his former manager Disha committed suicide. However, after Disha's death, Sushant revealed that he was terrified and worried that Sushant would often tell him, "I will be killed." Siddharth had told the CBI that he also wanted to increase security, according to several English newspapers. Siddharth said many interesting things about Riya during the trial. It is learned that Siddharth had told the CBI that Riya Chakraborty had taken Sushant's laptop and hard drive.
Ankit Acharya, the former manager of the actor, told NCB that Sushant was not suicidal but murdered. Sushant Singh Rajput case is being prosecuted by everyone associated with the NCB actor who is being prosecuted from a drug angle. It was during this sequence that Hero recently questioned the former manager’s dedication. ‘That’s all I’ve been saying since Sushant à°¸ు died. It is not suicide but murder. Sushant never took drugs. An English magazine quoted Ankit as saying, "Sushant knows very well that dreams cannot come true if you are addicted to drugs."
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